Garden in the home

Garden has become an integral part of a house, but a very loved his garden is identical with a big yard. And what about the house
who do not have a yard large enough?

One solution of the limited land on the home page is to create a garden in the house or commonly known as an indoor garden. Park in the house now ogled many people as alternatives to create a green house. Development could not escape the concept of minimalist homes. Park in the home are able to create a natural and pleasant atmosphere, although with a little land.

This indoor park preferred because the RELAXATION function and very useful to maintain the air quality inside the house. With the garden in the house can also make the house does not feel stuffy and humid as the plant can create clean air is very good for the health of residents. To add to the beauty of the garden in the house, you'll want to add elements such as small pool of water or shower.

Park in the house is usually placed in the family room or in the middle area of a house. Indoor garden concept is similar to that interior design should take into account the design, shape, form, texture, accents, composition and proper lighting.

In building a garden in the house is not too easy. Many things that must be considered in maintaining the plants as living things that used to live outside the home and create habitat moved into the house. The need for fertilizer, adequate sunlight and treatments such as watering and pruning difficult enough when done in the house.

To the need for sunlight for photosynthesis, you can make opening a hole in a transparent roof, so the plant could still feel the sun. Occasionally also put plants in the house out so that the light needs are met perfectly. Another alternative that is by letting the open roof and fitted with a grille that can be opened and closed, so that could be arranged when the plant will get sun

As for types of plants, according to Andrew, landscape architects, the choice of indoor plants to plant more crops of durable live in the room. The plant is resistant to treatment and watered regularly. Because it usually sansiviera, palms, pandanus and anthurium bali many people choose because in addition to not require excessive maintenance, plant leaves are thick needles can also make the air in the house can be more fresh and healthy. While not require watering as usual plants outside the house, does not mean you are not watering the garden in the house at all.

If you prefer a dry garden is also no problem. The dry garden park that does not require water. Make a dry garden can be planted directly into the soil medium, but usually the media is dominated by rocks and sand soil than plants, too. For plant species, plant species that can not not like wet and humid areas, such as cactus.


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