High-quality architectural plants from a specialist nursery you can depend on
Plants are critical to the success of any landscape design and they represent a sizeable portion of your budget. To be assured of the best-possible quality, you need a supplier you can trust. Dragon Trees Australia has built a reputation within the landscape design industry for supplying plants of the highest quality and is the trusted name when it comes to dragon trees. As Australia’s leading dragon tree supplier, Dragon Trees Australia has worked with many of this country’s top landscape design firms and is known for its high level of professionalism.
The most eye-catching feature plant is the dragon tree |
Although Dragon Trees Australia has supplied plants for many high-end residential and commercial projects, the company can cater for all landscape styles and budgets. A specialist nursery growing architectural plants from around the world, Dragon Trees Australia has a management team comprised of qualified horticulturalists with more than 40 years combined experience, so they are well placed to recommend the right plants for your project and your price point
The dragon tree is a very popular architectural plant |
As you might expect, the dragon tree (Dracaeno draco) is the most popular tree in stock, with the tree aloe (Aloe barberae) a close second. These two trees are fast becoming the must-haves in modern landscapes, along with blue nolina (Nolina nelsonii), desert spoon (Dasylirion wheeleri), red hesperaloe (Hesperaloe parviflora) and giant hesperaloe (Hesperaloe funifera).
The tree aloe (Aloe barberae) looks impressive when uplit |
Dragon Trees Australia doesn’t just focus on plants of eye-catching form, its emphasis is on plants that require little maintenance and make a strong visual impact. With the rise in popularity of the outdoor room, the need for plants that will provide a focal point and complement the room’s design and decor has escalated, as has the need for easy care plants.
Dragon Trees Australia provides a door to door delivery service and because the company carefully tapes and shrink-wraps stock onto pallets, you can be assured that plants will leave and arrive in the same condition.
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