“Corn" is a term that has been used to describe whatever is
the leading cereal grain in a given area. In England for many centuries
“com" referred to wheat In Ireland and Scotland “corn” was oats. It is all
very confusing and makes it virtually impossible for marketers to come up with snappy
names for their breakfast cereals. In Australia today the term "corn”, or "sweetcorn”
refers to Zea mays, the plant that produces delicious golden com cobs and this is the
plant that we are talking about here. Around the world this plant has often been
referred to as "maize" and it has a long history of use.
The first domestication of corn in Mexico and Central
America actually dates to somewhere between 9000 and 8000 BCE. By the time of the
Mayan and the Olmec civilisations, around 2000 to 1500 BCE, com had been adopted as a staple food but also played a role
in everyday rituals and religious ceremonies. Today
com is still a popular food although no longer quite so sacred since a lot of
it in the world today has been genetically modified.
While com is regarded as a grain the sweet com kernels
are actually tine fruit of Zea
Typically we think of corn as the golden yellow variety with which we are familiar but there are more than 100 varieties of Zea mays and some can come in red. pink, blue or purple. While com occupies loads of your garden space out of all proportion to its yield, the sheer delight of its taste may make you want to grow it and as we shall see, there are some surprising benefits you can find from parts of the plant that you might normally throw away.
Typically we think of corn as the golden yellow variety with which we are familiar but there are more than 100 varieties of Zea mays and some can come in red. pink, blue or purple. While com occupies loads of your garden space out of all proportion to its yield, the sheer delight of its taste may make you want to grow it and as we shall see, there are some surprising benefits you can find from parts of the plant that you might normally throw away.
Your healing corn
As a food corn provides fiber, B vitamins, and antioxidants. Corn contains around 10-11 per cent protein which is low compared to other grains but still useful, although of course the protein is not "complete". Yellow corn varieties provide good amounts of the antioxidant nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin.
Lutein and zeaxanthin are compounds called xanthophylls, which are
yellow pigments that occur naturally in many plants and vegetables. In nature,
lutein and zeaxanthin appear to absorb excess light energy to prevent damage to
plants from too much sunlight, especially from high energy light rays called
blue light. In addition to being found in plants lutein and zeaxanthin are
found in high concentrations in the macula of the human eye, giving the macula
its yellowish color. In fact, the macula also is called the “macula lutea”
(from the Latin macula,
meaning "spot," and lutea, meaning "yellow"). It is believed
that lutein and zeaxanthin in the macula block blue light from reaching the underlying structures in the retina, thereby reducing
the risk of light- induced oxidative damage that could lead to macular degeneration
(AMD). They are also believed to help reduce the risk of developing cataracts.
In 1994. no Farm acreage in the United States had been planted
with genetically modified (GM) corn plants, but today more than 70 per cent of all 91 million acres of
corn in the United States are planted with genetically modified varieties. For
instance, some corn has been modified to become more insect- resistant by
transferring a gene from the soil bacterium. Bacillus thuringiensis, into the corn (this is known
as Bt corn). A protein toxin produced by this bacterium helps to kill certain
insects that might otherwise eat the corn. There is no substantial research in the
health impact of GM corn but inserting novel proteins into food does raise the
risk of adverse reactions. Organic foods of course, are non-genetically
modified. In Australia genetically modified corn is currently not allowed (although
GM corn ingredients can be imported in some foods). Any seed you seek in this
country should be non-GM but in case seed somehow comes from another source it
helps to be aware of what is happening overseas.
While you will get a lot of Food value From your corn crop, you
can also get some medicinal qualities From a Frequently disregarded part of the
corn plant. Corn silk can be used to make a healing tea that has a range of
benefits. Corn silk tea is diuretic but it also has a soothing effect on the
urinary tract. Herbalists use corn silk in combination with other herbs to
treat problems like cystitis, urethritis, and prostatitis. To make a cup of the
tea you need two teaspoons full of Fresh or dried corn silk. Pour a cup of
boiling water onto it and leave it to in fuse for 10-15 minutes. The fresh form
is best but if your crop is not producing when you need the tea then dried corn
silk will do. Ideally you should have the tea three times a day if you want a
medicinal effect.
Zea mays averta
is the variety of com specifically bred for popping. Research from the American
Chemical Society has found that if the dried kernels are "air popped"
rather than popped in oil or butter, the antioxidant polyphenol content of the corn remains largely
intact yielding around 300mg of polyphenols per 10g of corn kernels.
Your Corn
Aspect/placement: Full sun, but
provide some protection from wind.
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